Heartfelt Gifts Warm Patients’ Hearts
The holiday season is a time for giving and receiving. We are so grateful for the generous outpouring of support from staff, community organizations and individuals. Each and every gift is appreciated and is bringing comfort and joy to children and adults being treated for a variety of cancers. A few of the many gifts received during the season include:
- Angel Tree – UF Health Proton Therapy Institute staff members helped to fulfill the Christmas wishes of over 15 pediatric patients currently on treatment and their siblings. Toys were donated, wrapped and distributed to the delight of the children. Thanks to generous donors, we were also able to provide Publix gift cards and gas cards for each family.
- Gift Baskets – Mary Kay Senior Sales Director Wandisa Brown donated gift baskets filled with skincare and beauty items and notes of encouragement for patients being treated for breast cancer.
- Care Packages – Sisters Network of Northeast Florida, affiliate chapter of the national African American breast cancer survivorship organization Sisters Network® Inc., donated care packages of personal care items.
- Gas Cards & More – Gregory Dunning and the Duval Car Club Cancer Awareness group came through many times during the year to provide donations of Gate gas gift cards, disposable sanitizing wipes and Lysol disinfecting wipes.
- Graduation T-shirts – Adam Glover and Clothe Our Children donated 105 t-shirts for patients to receive on their graduation day!
- Publix Gift Cards – Rare Breed motorcycle club
- Amazon Gift Wish List – Jaxen’s Journey is a group set up by a mother in memory of a patient treated at UF Health Proton Therapy Institute. Items purchased from the wish list are being sent directly to us as a donation.
- Toys & Amazon Gift Cards – The Believe Foundation brought toys and Amazon gift cards for our pediatric program
- Year-End Giving Campaign – To-date we have received 118 gifts totaling more than $50,000 this holiday season. We are truly inspired by the generosity of our alumni and friends!